Creating Word ADD In Using Javascript(Part 4)

Nikita Shrestha
2 min readApr 26, 2020

Insert image, html and table at cursor position.

Continuing our tutorial series on creating a word ADD In using Javascript, here is the final tutorial on creating word add-in using Javascript. In this tutorial, we learn how we can insert images, tables, and HTML content from our add-in to the word document.

Insert Image

Office Javascript API provides method insert Inline Picture into a word document using our Add-in. This method accepts two arguments: base64Encoded image and location to insert an image.

// Let us define a base64Encoded Image
const base64EncodeImage = "image in base 64 format";
// Find Current Selection in the document
const currentSelection = context.document.getSelection();
// Create an object to create image and insert on current selection
const image = currentSelection.insertInlinePictureFromBase64(base64EncodedImage, "After");

Insert HTML Content

Office Javascript API also allows inserting some HTML tags into word document through add-ins such as headers, paragraphs, anchors, and lists. Not only it allows us to add HTML tags, but it also styles it.

//Define html content as below
const htmlContent = '<div><h1 style ="font-family:verdena; color:red;">HTML Header</h1><p style="color:blue;">This is html paragraph written in word</p><a href="#">Anchor Tag</a><ul><li>List item 1</li><li>list item 2</li><li></li></ul></div>';
// Find current selection in the document
const currentSelection = context.document.getSelection();
// Create html object and insert into current selection
const htmlObj = currentSelection.insertHtml(htmlContent, Word.InsertLocation.after);

Insert Table.

Office Javascript API has introduced this feature in its latest version (i.e., Word API 1.3). The “insertTable” method accepts four parameters:

  1. The number of rows in the data.
  2. The number of columns in the data.
  3. Insert location.
  4. Data to show in the table. ( This must be a two-dimensional array of string).Number of rows in the data.
// Consider following data to be shown in table
const tableData = [
["Id", "Full Name", "Address"],
["1", "Bob Marley", "California"],
["2", "John Smith", "New York"]
// Find current selection in the document
const currentSelection = context.document.getSelection();
// Create table object and insert on current selection
const table = currentSelection.insertTable(tableData.length, tableData[0].length, Word.InsertLocation.after, tableHeader);

You can also add rows to the existing table as below:

//Add table datatable.addRows(Word.InsertLocation.end, lengthOfRowAdded, addedRowValues);
Final output

This tutorial is just an example of how you can start creating your word add-in using Javascript. For more, you can refer to the official documentation here.

You can view the complete code of the overall tutorial here.

Keep Reading. Thank you.



Nikita Shrestha

Software Engineer | Full Stack Developer| Data Science/ML Enthusiast| Computer Engineer graduate